Monday 3 December 2012

Research into Different Movie Posters

We like to idea of a teaser poster as we are doing a teaser trailer leading up to our film, i had never heard of one before and are interested in doing one. Using this research into teaser posters i now feel confident in knowing what they are and what goes into one in order to be able to do one ourself. 
Click Here to see more examples of Teaser Posters

We have decided that we are going to do two separate posters for our film then combine our idea's to create one big poster, Laura has researched what goes into a poster and what text is at the bottom for the information on characters, distributors etc. We figured this was a good way to do the poster as it was the same method we used to make our plot and storyline.

I had seen these posters before but had not known the name or the purpose of them, through my research i now understand the importance and meaning of this type of poster. I would like to do this as a type of teaser poster as it shows the main characters, however it may not be as useful as other character posters due to there being no celebrities or well-known people in our film. 

This part of research was helpful as it is a kind of check-list to what is needed in a poster and why it is important to the audience.

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